A couple of weeks back, the discerning gentlemen of Audioscope over in Oxford raised loads of money for Shelter with a night of epic riffs and throbbing boogie. The bill racked up the legendary Kraut king Deiter Moebius, a rare performance by Billy Mahonie, The Oscillation (who you may remember unleashing the kosmische jams at the Bad Dimension opening party in August) and Catalan crazies Qa’a (who didn't make it to Oxford in the end, presumably because all those musical slabs of steel floor cladding and ventilation pipe wouldn't fit in the car) with loads of local favourites like The Half Rabbits and Nought. A team outing was mounted. The jury has been out ever since as to how any of us got home, but there is complete consensus on the excellence of the night.

This festival has been a yearly treat for ten years now, and this time has stretched to three nights: the final one is on Saturday. The full line-up can just about be made out on the right hand side of the handsome cake captured above (or here). If you can make it down, don't miss Mugstar, who will serve to remind you that swirling psychedelic jams are not at all incompatible with massive balls. Below is a clip from a performance at Tate Liverpool in 2005.
(photos Daniel Paxton / Stuart Fowkes)